Republic of Madagascar - part of East Africa. It is the fourth-largest island in the world situated in Indian Ocean. Because of its geographical isolation, It is home to many highly evolved species and majority of them are endemic.

Monday, October 17, 2011


It wasn't clear who first settled on this island. A study done in 2005 stated that "Malagasy peoples are a roughly 50:50 mix of two ancestral groups: Indonesians and East Africans. It is important to realise that these lineages have intermingled over intervening centuries since settlement, so modern Malagasy have ancestry in both Indonesia and Africa". 
Reference: Hurles ME, Sykes BC, Jobling MA, Forster P Am J Hum Genet. 2005;76;894-901.

Today there are about 18 ethnic groups and some other groups that have migrated relatively recently over time such as Comorans, French, asian; Indians, chinese, and middle eastern.

Generally, the ethnic groups are divided into 2 subgroups based on their location. 

1) The Highlanders - live in central plateau
Merina Girl © ICTours

2) The Coastal ethnic groups (Côtiers) - live elsewhere in the country

The Antaifasy are an ethnic group of Madagascar inhabiting the southeast coastal region around Faraf

Madagascan fisherboys

Madagascan fisherboys

Madagascan fishing community